Emeritus Professors

Tim Carr
Emeritus Professor of Geology
Tim is a geologist working to develop the energy resources that the people of the world require over the coming century, while protecting the environment. His current study areas concern unconventional resources and CO2 storage and utilization in...
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Greg Elmes
Emeritus Professor of Geography
Greg’s research interests continue to be in the development of geographical information science (GISci), Crime Geography, the integration of geographical information systems (GIS) with spatial modeling, and their application in the interpretation and...
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Trevor Harris
Eberly Distinguished Professor of Geography
Geographic Information Science, GIS and Society, Critical GIS, Participatory GIS, Humanities GIS, Spatial Humanities, Virtual GIS, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, GIS and Archaeology, Environmental Impact Assessment.
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Ken Martis
Emeritus Professor of Geography
Geography of Elections. The geographical aspects of American political culture.
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Joe Donovan
Emeritus Professor of Geology
Quantitative hydrogeology. Mining hydrogeology. Groundwater-lake interaction. Holocene paleoclimate.
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Thomas Kammer
Emeritus Professor of Geology
Dr. Kammer specializes in paleontology and paleoecology of Paleozoic marine fossils, especially crinoids, plus stratigraphy of the Mississippian Period. He is an Honorary Fellow of both the Geological Society of America and the Paleontological Society.
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Steven Kite
Emeritus Professor of Geology and Geography
Quaternary Stratigraphy; Fluvial and Glacial Geomorphology; Geoarcheology; Surficial Geology Mapping; Floods; Landslides; Debris Flows; Colluvium; Stream Restoration, Reclamation Geomorphology, Surficial Geology and Geomorphology of the Appalachians...
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Henry Rauch
Emeritus Professor of Geology
Henry Rauch specialized in hydrogeology and karst geology. He also researched the environmental impacts of carbon dioxide sequestration on groundwater and soil
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Richard Smosna
Emeritus Professor of Geology
Sedimentology and Sedimentary Petrology, Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis, Petroleum Geology
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Timothy Warner
Emeritus Professor of Geology and Geography
Tim specializes in remote sensing applications and the spatial analysis of images. He utilizes optical and thermal imagery, as well as lidar, to study terrestrial features including biogeographical and geological phenomena.
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Thomas Wilson
Emeritus Professor of Geology
Dr. Wilson specializes in reservoir characterization, property modeling and fracture model development, carbon sequestration, Marcellus Shale stimulation and microseismic responses.
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