Thomas Wilson
Emeritus Professor of Geology
tom.wilson@mail.wvu.eduCategorized As
Dr. Wilson specializes in reservoir characterization, property modeling and fracture model development, carbon sequestration, Marcellus Shale stimulation and microseismic responses.
- B.S. Physics West Virginia University, 1974
- M.S. Physics West Virginia University, 1977
- Ph.D. Geology, West Virginia University, 1980
Professional Experience
- Professor, Geophysics [1983-89 (Assistant), 1989-95 (Associate), 1995 on Full, 2018- (Emeritus)]
- Research Fellow, Geological Survey of Japan, 1991 and 1998
- Geophysical Advisor, Petroleum Technology Transfer Center, 1996-2000
- Senior Petroleum Geophysicist, Exxon Co. U. S. A., Gulf/Atlantic Division, Exploration Department, 1981-1983
Selected Publications
Kavousi Ghahfarokhi, P., T. Wilson, T. Carr, A. Kumar, R. Hammack, H. Di, 2019, Integrating distributed acoustic sensing, borehole 3C geophone array, and surface seismic array data to identify long-period long-duration seismic events during stimulation of a Marcellus Shale gas reservoir: Journal Interpretation, 7: SA1-SA10, https://doi.org/10.1190/INT-2018-0078.1
Wilson, T., T. Carr, B. J. Carney, M. Yates, K. MacPhail, A. Morales, I. Costello, J. Hewitt, E. Jordon, N. Uschner, M. Thomas, Si Akin, O. Magbagbeola, A. Johansen, L. Hogarth, O. Anifowoshe, K. Naseem, 2018, Marcellus Shale model stimulation tests and microseismic response yield insights into mechanical properties and reservoir DFN: Journal Interpretation, 6, 2, T231-T243. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/INT-2016-0199.1
Wilson, T., Hart, A., Sullivan, P., 2016, Interrelationships of Marcellus Shale Gas Production to Frac-Induced Microseismicity, Interpreted Minor Faults and Fractures Zones, and Stimulated Reservoir Volume, Greene County, Pennsylvania: Interpretation, v. 4, No. 1, T15-T30.
Wilson, T, Smith, V., and Brown, A., 2015, Developing a model discrete fracture network and drilling and EOR strategy in an unconventional reservoir using integrated field, image log and 3D seismic data: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 99, 4, 735-762.
Wilson, T., Wells, A., Peters, D., Mioduchowski, A., Martinez, G., Koperna, G., Akwari, B., and Heath, J., 2012, Fracture and 3D Seismic Interpretations of the Fruitland Coal, San Juan Basin: Implications for CO2 Retention and Tracer Movement: International Journal of Coal Geology, 99, pp. 35-53.
Wilson, T. H., 2000, Seismic evaluation of differential subsidence, compaction and loading in an interior basin: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, vol. 84, no. 3, p. 376-398.
Wilson, T. H., and R. C. Shumaker, 1994, Crustal Structures and the eastern extent of lower Paleozoic shelf strata within the central Appalachians: A seismic reflection interpretation: Alternative interpretation and reply: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 106, p. 1502-1511.
Wilson, T.H., Shumaker, R. C., 1992 Broad Top Thrust sheet: An extensive blind thrust in the central Appalachians: Amer. Assoc. of Petrol. Geol. Bulletin, v. 76, No. 9, p 1310-1324.
Wilson, T. H., 1989, Geophysical Studies of Large Blind Thrust, Valley and Ridge Province, Central Appalachians: AAPG Bulletin, V. 73, no. 3, p. 276-288.
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