Daniel Soeder
Adjunct Professor of Geology
daniel.soeder@mail.wvu.eduCategorized As
Petroleum Geology, Energy and the Environment
Dan arrived in Morgantown in 1979 as a Department of Energy (DOE) contractor on the Eastern Gas Shale Project. He was employed as research geologist by the Gas Technology Institute in Chicago before joining the U.S. Geological Survey to investigate the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. In 1998 he relocated to the mid-Atlantic to work on USGS groundwater hydrology projects. He transferred to DOE NETL in 2009 and returned to Morgantown to focus on shale gas development, the impacts of fracking on the environment, and the subsurface sequestration of carbon dioxide. He retired from the government in 2017 and spent three years at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology in Rapid City directing an energy resource program, which ended when oil company support dried up when prices crashed during Covid. He returned to WV in 2020, started a geoscience consulting company, and has written and published several books.
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