Cynthia Gorman
Associate Professor of Geography
cynthia.gorman@mail.wvu.eduProfiles and Info
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Dr. Gorman’s research examines the legal geographies of political asylum in the U.S. and advocacy to expand human rights protections outlined in UN Refugee Conventions and Protocols.
Dr. Gorman’s research examines the legal geographies of political asylum in the U.S. and advocacy to expand human rights protections outlined in UN Refugee Conventions and Protocols. Using feminist legal archaeology, her work traces how gendered and racialized logics of border control shape immigration categories and refugee status in the United States with a particular focus on those displaced from Central America. More recently, her work explores how immigration raids shape the politics of community life for immigrants who live in rural towns due to employment in meatpacking industries.
- World Regional Geography (GEOG 102),
- online (GEOG 102 7D1)
- Migration and Human Rights (GEOG 312)
- Gender, Society, Space (GEOG 612)
- Women and International Development (WGST 345)
- Feminist Theory (WGST 330/530)
- Women’s Movements Since the 1960s (WGST 449)
Page URL : Find Dr. Gorman on Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kccJ0o8AAAAJ&hl=en
Gorman, C. and B. Wilson. 2021 . “After the Raid: Feminist Geolegality and the Spaces of Encounter in a Poultry Town.” Gender, Place & Culture. DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2021.1873745
Gorman, C. and K. Culcasi. 2020. Invasion and colonization: Islamophobia and anti-refugee sentiment in West Virginia. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. https://doi.org/10.1177/2399654420943897
Culcasi, K., E. Skop and C. Gorman. 2019. Contemporary Refugee-Border Dynamics and
the Legacies of the1919 Paris Peace Conference. The Geographical Review. DOI:10.1111/gere.12365
Gorman, C. 2019. “Defined by The Flood: Alarmism and the Legal Thresholds of U.S.
Political Asylum.”
Geopolitics. DOI:10.1080/14650045.2018.1556642
Gorman, C. 2018. “Singled out: Scaling violence and social groups as legal borderwork
in U.S. asylum law.”
The Geographical Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/gere.12311
Gorman, C. 2018. “Feminist Legal Archeology, Domestic Violence and the Raced-Gendered
Boundaries of U.S. Asylum Law.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.
Gorman, C. 2017. “Redefining Refugees: Interpretive Control and the Bordering Work
of Legal Categorization
in U.S. Asylum Law.” Political Geography 58 (May): 36–45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2016.12.006.
Gorman, C. 2016. “Containing Kassindja: Detention, Gendered Threats and Border
Control in the United
States.” Gender, Place & Culture 23 (7): 955–68. https://doi.org/10.1080/0966369X.2015.1090412.
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