Joe Lebold
Teaching Associate Professor of Geology; Associate Chair
joe.lebold@mail.wvu.eduCategorized As
“I want folks to see the stories of our Earth, written in rock, I want them to see the geological patterns that shape our landscapes, and I want them to understand how we must strike a sustainable balance.”
Paleoecology, Paleontology, Regional Geology — I teach a range of courses from introductory, 340 student large-lecture classes to advanced field courses with for our majors, like our geology field camp in South Dakota and Wyoming.
- BS in Geology, West Virginia University, 1994
- MS in Geology/Paleontology, The Ohio State University, 1998
- Ph.D. in Geology, West Virginia University, 2005
I think I have one of the best jobs in the on campus! As a member of the teaching faculty at WVU, I get to share my passion and excitement of geology with my students. I teach a range of courses from introductory, 340 student large-lecture classes to advanced field courses with for our majors, like our geology field camp in South Dakota and Wyoming. But whatever the course, and I have taught 12 different courses at WVU, my goal is the same, I want people to see the world differently. I want folks to see the stories of our Earth, written in rock, I want them to see the geological patterns that shape our landscapes, and I want them to understand how we must strike a sustainable balance between geological processes and our society moving forward.
Current Courses Taught
SUST 101: Sustainable Earth – An introduction to Earth Systems and Processes with emphasis on the overlap between society and the environment
SUST 201: Earth System Science
GEOL 300: Geology of West Virginia
GEOL 302: Geology of the National Parks
GEOL 404: Geology Field Camp
Recent Publications
Lebold and Wilkinson, 2018. Roadside Geology of West Virginia. Mountain Press Publishing, Missoula, MT, 297 pgs.
Andrew Roark, Ryan Flake, Ethan L. Grossman, Thomas Olszewski, Joseph Lebold, Debbie Thomas, Franco Marcantonio, Brent Miller, Anne Raymond, and Thomas Yancey, 2017, Brachiopod geochemical records from across the Carboniferous seas of North America: Evidence for salinity gradients, stratification, and circulation patterns. Palaeooceanography Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecology, v. 485, p. 136-153.
Roark, Andrew P., Grossman, Ethan L., Lebold, Joseph G., 2015, Low seasonality in central equatorial Pangea based on high-resolution isotopic records of brachiopod shells. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 14.
Roark, Andrew P., Grossman, Ethan L., Lebold, Joseph G., 2014, Seasonality and circulation dynamics along the Appalachian margin of the Late Pennsylvanian epicontinental sea of North America: brachiopod geochemical records and their implications to models of shelf anoxia. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 520
Lebold, J.G., Smosna, R.A., and K. R. Bruner, 2013, Manual for Planet Earth Laboratory, 5th ed. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA, 68 p.
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